Sustainabutter Premium Nut Butter Brand Strategy & Design.

Project Description:

Elevating Sustainabutter: A Comprehensive Rebranding Endeavor

Embark on a journey through the rebranding saga of Sustainabutter, an American premium nut butter company currently operating in Wisconsin. Tasked with revitalizing their brand identity, I choreographed a holistic rebranding initiative across six distinct products and positioned them for audiences across multiple demographic regions. Meticulously crafting a cohesive visual language and strategic framework to resonate with future global audiences. (Colorado – Wisconsin – Norway)

Key Deliverables:

  • Revamped Visual Identity: Infusing Sustainabutter’s ethos of sustainability and premium quality, I orchestrated a harmonious fusion of contemporary aesthetics and timeless appeal. From logo refinements to captivating label designs, every facet of the brand’s visual narrative was tailored to captivate and inspire.
  • Strategic Content Development: Crafting compelling brand narratives and engaging content, I directed an overhaul of copy and visuals to articulate Sustainabutter’s story across digital and traditional channels. Through SEO strategies and content optimization, we will ensure maximum visibility and resonance in the competitive market landscape.
  • Market Expansion: With an eye towards USA national prominence over the next 10 years, I devised a comprehensive marketing strategy to propel Sustainabutter into new territories. Leveraging data-driven insights and market trends, we tailored our approach to resonate with diverse cultural and financial sensibilities while maintaining the brand’s core values.

Through Sustainabutter’s renaissance after a multi-year hiatus, I invite you to explore the seamless fusion of creativity and strategy that has redefined the brand’s future trajectory. We aim to set a new standard for excellence in the realm of premium organic nut butter offerings.

Sailer Solutions Project for Client Sustainabutter - Cashew Rendezvous Glass Jar

Cashew Rendezvous

Sailer Solutions Project for Client Sustainabutter - Chocolate Hazeltella Glass Jar

Chocolate Hazeltella

Sailer Solutions Project for Client Sustainabutter - Off the Wall-nut Glass Jar

Off the Wall-nut

Sailer Solutions Project for Client Sustainabutter - Avalanche Almond Glass Jar

Avalanche Almond

Sailer Solutions Project for Client Sustainabutter - Salted Caramel Sun Glass Jar

Salted Caramel Sun

Sailer Solutions Project for Client Sustainabutter - Pecan Keepin' On

Pecan Keepin’ On